What is Basic?

Over the past few weeks, several of my students have shared their frustration with me: “I’ve been studying Russian for so long and I still can’t use basic vocabulary! When I asked what kind of vocabulary they were referring to, they mentioned specific cooking verbs (e.g., verbs for cutting ingredients in different ways), words describing

Prosto Podcast: English T vs. Russian T

Чем отличается английский звук T и русский звук Т Моя учительница английского однажды попросила произнести фразу на русском с английским акцентом. Фраза была такая: Таня, дай мне тапочки!  Which means Tanya, give me the slippers.  Русская Т – кончик языка сильный, упирается в верхние зубы. The tip of the tongue is strong, and it is